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Manage and Control Credit Limits for customers effectively and efficiently with Garruda

Today, the business environment is highly competitive and continues to evolve. Cash flow information, accounting, etc. is a time-consuming process in a petrol pump business. In addition, due to delays in inputting the data in offline software, trustworthy reports cannot be obtained on time. A key obstacle is a lack of management of the credit limit on forecourt – LIVE – before new sales are made to credit clients.

What are the advantages of tracking the credit behavior of customers?

Credit behavior is also a pathway to the credit history of clients and examines topics such as the prompt settlement of bills. There are several advantages of tracking the credit activity of your client. You may quickly identify clients that will be useful in the future, then list them separately and pay special attention to their demands.

Another benefit is that clients with payment stress can be really avoided.

You may quickly find clients that don’t make business sense when you carefully monitor their credit behavior

How does Garruds POS help the owner and also provide customer satisfaction?

Garruda POS is a petroleum pump operations management software. It intelligently helps resolve the problems of the management of credit sales to their customers. The control of credit-customer behavior is one part of this application that is highly important.

With Garruda, you can manage your client’s credit behavior with an end-to-end procedure with control over subsequent supply. For seamless and error-free management, Garuda utilizes a strong tally to prevent loss. Our program also features a specific capability to evaluate available credit limits. This can be a benefit, as it eliminates any credit fraud possibilities. With our software’s tight credit management, it’s quite easy for petrol pump owners to handle their credits to customers without complications.

Garruda POS software is also useful for the customers as they can quickly clear their invoices to prevent a negative credit score as the customer also has LIVE access to his accounts and transactions details with the respective Petrol Pump.

Garruda is built with immediate reports and alarms, both in the foreground and in the back office that links the petrol pump with its customers. The all-in-one system easily addresses any problem that the customer has by given the customer complete visibility which otherwise is missing in an offline software.

Therefore, if you’re looking for an effective and efficient way to track and control the credit limit of customers, Garuda POS is one simple way to solve all those problems.


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